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Samil Power

Solar Energy
String Inverters,Solar Inverters,Accessories
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Solis / Ginlong Technologies Co. Ltd.

1. Company Introduction

Solis, a brand of Ginlong Technologies Co. Ltd., is a China-based company specializing in the manufacturing of high-quality and efficient solar inverters. Founded in 2005, the company has grown into a global leader in the development and production of solar inverters for various applications, including residential, commercial, and utility-scale systems.

2. Main Products

Solis offers a wide range of solar inverter products, including:

  • Single-phase String Inverters

  • Three-phase String Inverters

  • Hybrid Solar Inverters

  • Central Solar Inverters (Utility-scale)

  • Monitoring and Control Accessories

These products cater to different market needs and solar power generation requirements.

3. Product Features

Solis solar inverters are known for their reliability, performance, and cost-effectiveness. Key features include:

  • High energy conversion efficiency

  • Wide MPPT voltage range

  • Robust design for challenging environmental conditions

  • Advanced safety and protection mechanisms

  • Remote monitoring and management capabilities

4. Product Applications

Solis/Ginlong Technologies solar inverters are suitable for various applications, such as:

  • Residential solar power systems

  • Commercial and industrial solar projects

  • Utility-scale solar power plants

5. Product Value

Solis solar inverters offer customers efficient and reliable energy generation at competitive prices. The company's commitment to research and development ensures continuous innovation and provides customers with advanced and adaptable products. Additionally, Solis/Ginlong Technologies prides itself on providing exceptional customer support, technical training, and comprehensive after-sales services.

6. Product Market

Solis/Ginlong Technologies has a robust global presence, with its products and services available in over 100 countries. The company has established a strong reputation within the solar power market for its product quality, affordability, and innovation. Partnerships with industry-leading solar panel manufacturers, distributors, and system integrators help reinforce Solis/Ginlong Technologies' position as a leading provider of solar inverter solutions worldwide.